Gepubliceerd op 5 oktober 2022
Contingentie, kwetsbaarheid en agentiviteit
Traject van patiënten met chronische lage rugpijn

The multidisciplinary approach treating neuro-musculoskeletal disorders (NMSD). NMSD is fundamental in refining the understanding of the issue and improving the quality of monitoring. Understanding of chronic disease and intervention with patients is enhanced by the openness of practitioners to the patient’s “private feeling” of pain and the patient’s experience of the disease (Baszanger, 1991).
An interdisciplinary perspective of the patient’s physical and psychological relationship to his professional history and his work experience also allows the advancement of knowledge in NMSD (Davezies, 2013). As part of the NOMADe research project, a study is being carried out by the Center for Training, Research and Community Service (Fors) of the Field of Political and Social Sciences of Henallux. This study aims to understand the experiences of patients with NMSD and in particular, patients with low back pain. Our contribution constitutes a presentation of the first results of the study, built on two complementary methodological components.
The quantitative part, based on the technique of the questionnaire, allow to identify the objective characteristics of the population affected by NMSD. The qualitative component, based on the technique of semi-structured interviews conducted with people with NMSD, treat the experiences and perceptions of patients and their relatives. So we can identify the way each one formulate their needs and expectations and experiences the consequences of the pathology, on a family level, professional level as well as with the patient care network.
It is about understanding the patient’s systemic experience with regard to four complementary aspects: his expertise, the care practices, the professional and family contexts. So, the project analyzes the experiences of patients concerning their NMSD, the symbolic value of NMSD and pain. It also deals with the patient’s perception of the care practices administered. Finally, it aims to understand the professional and family contexts of the patient in relation to his ability to act and his expertise.
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- Davezies, P. (2013). Souffrance au travail, répression psychique et troubles musculo-squelettiques. Perspectives interdisciplinaires sur le travail et la santé, 15‑2
- Delanau, S., Crocq, M., Decayeux, F., Joseph, J., Vecten, C., Yousfi, J., Lelard, T. & Telliez, F. (2018). Évaluation des facteurs de risques de troubles neuromusculosquelettiques dans une tâche simulée de découpe. Neurophysiologie Clinique, 48(6)
- Robin-Quach, P. (2009). Connaître les représentations du patient pour optimiser le projet éducatif. Recherche en soins infirmiers, N° 98(3), 36‑68.